Wednesday, March 08, 2006

All too yellow urinals

I frequent a restroom close to my office and without fail I flush three or four urinals after or while using my urinal--I can pee and flush. How do men in good conscience leave that yellow stuff for the next guy?

I mean come on guys! How hard is it? We don't even have to sit down; all we have to do is unzip and stand there. The damn flusher lever is right there staring at us—one fling of a hand and the movement toward the sink and it’s all done.

Maybe it’s because men wants to pee and run without washing his hands, but most men don’t strike me as germaphobes. Please help me understand. In the meantime I will continue to befuddle the gentleman washing his hands while I bop from side to side flushing every urinal in reach. The last thing I want to do is smell the urine of the last guy there; the only thing worse is when all the urinals are occupied but one and I must stand right next to some stranger urinating. Certainly women have it tough but at least they have the stall wall to provide some distance.

Women may envy the quick pee, especially at concerts and sporting events, but as you can see the urinal poses many a problem and I haven't even mentioned the dangers of the drip or the unintended splash.

p.s. I happened upon this image--maybe this would do the trick to ease my urinal discomfort.


Anonymous said...

I usually flush with my foot. Even more disgusting than a non-flushed urinal is a non-flushed toilet with #2 in it. Men seem to enjoy doing this at sporting events in particular.

Lisa B. said...

meant to comment on this earlier. thank you for this little essay on a topic i would otherwise have remained ignorant of, perhaps happily so? yet knowledge is its own reward, or that's what i keep telling myself.

shane said...

come on, ron. we use way too much water in this country as it is. leave the urine be!