Saturday, October 14, 2006

Students’ rights to their own language: “Peer review sucks!”

introduction for presentation at TYCA (a conference about teaching writing)

Wendy Bishop pointed out years ago that the method of peer workshops “has been presented in glowing terms, [but] it can prove problematic in practice” (32, qtd in Ransdell). I think the term “problematic” may be the understatement of the decade in composition, one we repeat ad finitum to justify our poor “results.” Let’s face it: most peer review groups are a waste of time if the goal is to immediately improve student writing. Students rarely discuss each other’s work in any detail and often merely write, “This is great!! :)” or, at the other extreme, begin to cross out and amend every sentence, especially if the group is lucky enough to contain an ESL student to work over. During the last decade composition classes have spent far too much time lacksidaisically going through the motions of peer review merely because it is mandated as some sort of Expressivist, liberatory, democratic practice.

First and only claim: Don’t do peer review unless you are willing to give it significant and sustainable time in your curriculum and unless you truly believe, yes I said believe, in its potential to alter what counts as knowledge in the composition class.


Lisa B. said...

On another note, look at you, writing your TYCA presentation already. And it's not even Thursday night. I better get going. I rehearsed my argument to the historian in the car this morning--does that count at all?

Counterintuitive said...

yes, but a paragraph does not make an argument. I'm hoping for some inspiration to soak through from the blogosphere.

middlebrow said...

You all better be brilliant. Or else the TYCA police will be paying you a visit. No pressure, though.

Lisa B. said...

I didn't know that you were also a cop in your after-hours life, mb. Though it makes a certain amount of sense. I am, just to reassure you, planning to be brilliant. Actually, I always plan to be brilliant.

shane said...

I do peer reviews because I'm lazy. Does that count as a good rationale?

Counterintuitive said...

lazy and honest

Clint Gardner said...

Peer review is a calculated effort.

Dr. Write said...

It was a good presentation! I want to get copies of your documents.