Friday, August 24, 2007

High School Reunion Obsessional

I figured I might as well blog a bit as I basically wasted most of yesterday reading bios on my 20th high school reunion site, composing my own, and finding pictures to go with it. At first I wasn't going to get involved, as I say in the bio, but I was so taken in by everyone's life-stories I just had to. I'm no expert on high school reunions, but it seems the pre-reunion online bios is a must. Kind of loosens everyone up, convinces many (at least that's what lots have said) to attend and gives people who can't attend a chance to participate.

I really took to heart the advice I always give to students: compose early and then revise revise revise. I started writing my bio about a month ago. It's not like I was working on it daily, but every once in awhile I'd read over it. In fact until I came up with my "I used to think..." trope, I was absolutely positive I wouldn't send anything in. I just couldn't do the standard life-travelogue, my kids are amazing post. Don't get me wrong--I've enjoyed these kinds of posts, but it just didn't feel like me. Instead I had to play off the whole genre of the bio, take a few risks, and speak to the realities of life, so I could then later obsess about how it all will be received. Sometimes I think I'm a raving fucking lunatic.

I still can't believe I posted a bio and then immediately sent in $38 for the reunion dinner--where have my "I don't care," anti-high school selves gone? I doubt I could clarify my convoluted feelings on all this with 20 visits to my therapist. And what do I do with to salve my obsessional wounds? I write some more stuff that you all can look at and say, "Wow, that guy is a fucking lunatic."


Dr Write said...

OMG. I love your bio. If there were awards for such things (and there should be!) you should def. get one. The bios on my reunion web-site were boring, except one, which was laugh out loud hilarious. Something about projects in the garage after the kids had gone to sleep and if we knew then who we were going to be now, well, you get the picture.
I'm glad you're embracing your reunion. I know you will have fun. Plus it's such a trip to see people. And be friendly with people you swore you'd kill given three seconds alone with them in a dark alley.
Oh, I so much older then, I'm younger than that now!

Counterintuitive said...

Thanks for the compliment. I needed it whether it's actually true or not:)

If you want a great laugh out loud post, you should check out my friend's (just skip the HS specific stuff):

As he posted early, it shook up the rest of the posts in a good way. Lest you not believe me that it's funny, this is his first line: "I’m older, fatter, balder, and year after year, it takes me longer to pee"
As a side note to any coworkers reading, my friend mentions one of our co-workers who is also part of our 20th reunion: Betsy W. Her post is also there.

spontaneous expressions said...

you are so not a fucking raving lunatic. I thought your bio was funny and thoughtful and provided a short glimpse of the high school Ron juxtaposed with the now much more grown up Ron but still willing to question the social agenda. I had no idea you were an atheist in high school. Did you tell me that?

Thanks for sharing your link. I went to my HS 20 year reunion a few weeks ago and my main thought when it was over was...."that was it?" "THIS is what I worried about?" Kind of like HS in general.

Glad you decided to go. It was cathartic(albeit underwhelming)

Lisa B. said...

Love the bio and especially, especially love the pic. Agree with Dr. W that yours is a classic--excellent, genre-transforming. Yes, have a blast at the reunion--there's no other event quite like one.

shane said...

No, you are a fucking raving lunatic.

That's what I like about you!

Counterintuitive said...

Great Shane...I was just feeling good about myself.

Lisa said...

I can't weigh in on the fucking raving lunatic debate, although I am finding it rather entertaining. I liked your reunion site; it's cool that you have the before and after pics up.

I haven't been to any of my high school reunions; I didn't even know about them. In fact, as number 20 rolls around in a couple of years (four years, to be exact), who knows if I'll even find out about it (sure, if I try I will, but if I don't, no harm done).

I doubt that most of my high school class will remember me. I am not having a pity party; I think I'm just one of those "slipped-through-the-cracks" types. Which is fine. The ones that did know me didn't particularly like me and they were pretty brutal to me. Neigh, the embarrassment that was my high school life doesn't need to be remembered. Except senior year; senior year was awesome.

How did you get to be a "writing teacher," rather than, say, an English teacher? Is that something an MFA grad can do? What kind of additional grad schooling should I get in order to put myself on that specific path? And do you like it?