Saturday, November 24, 2007

Preserving the Commons

I was a bit miffed that I would miss the BYU/ Utah game today as the cable offer we did in the summer in order to watch the Tour de France expired. Even though it wasn't that big of deal since I've barely watched any football this year, but eh this is the 34-31 rivalry. So I Googled around a bit and found it for free here

Small glimmer of hope in this commercialized world--just maybe the Internet can help maintain a free public commons...just maybe.

And yes I'm rooting for BYU because they have the highest rating and a slim chance at the BCS. I went to both schools so I have this privilege. (A Seinfeldian Kramer "ehhh!") I don't want to hear it.


Lisa B. said...

Cougar blood runs blue, I'm afraid, despite all the differences I have with that place. Especially in the BYU/U rivalry! As I always say to the historian, "there's nothing more insufferable than a Ute fan."

Word verification: wsesgyz=wise guys?

Anonymous said...

Few of us in this world have the luxury, no, the circumstances to cover both sides of a bet, to stake a claim of allegiance to two sides in a war, but I say choose this day for whom you will side, but as for me (and not necessarily my house) I get nauseated by the obnoxious BYU fans in our ward who maintain their aire of superiority in life, and have this stance validated by a stupid football game. (Yes I called the holiest of holy sports stupid, but when the pompous arrogance exudes from a few of the a-holes in my neighborhood, I feel my fists clench and the bile in my digestive system begin to come up my esophogas; this does not mean you counterintuitive)

middlebrow said...

Go Utah Utes!

I do think the internet will help the sustain the commons, by the way. I'm just idealistic enough to believe that. Probably got some of the idealism from hanging out with you and lisa b.

HH said...

You rooted for B-Y-U... For the love of Pete... Yes, the "Y" won.. They eked out a win in the last few minutes of the game. UofU chocked! They had the advantage and played stupid at the end. But, for the love of Zeus... UofU is, at least,a reputable institution which fosters doubt, reason, and real research. Of course, if you really want the academic excellence in Utah you have to go a bit farther north to USU. Yes, the football sucks rocks, but our basketball and academics kicks both institutions butts! Go Aggies!!!

HH =)

shane said...