3:07 pick up oldest son a couple of minutes late for an orthodontist appointment
3:07-3:16 listen to son complain about new piano lessons
3:17 arrive at orthodontist
3:40 discuss progress of son's braces with orthodontist
3:50-4:20 get my 18 year old permanent retainer removed (drilling off 18yr old glue hurts like hell)
4:21-4:30 again listen to son complain about piano lessons and how he hasn't talked with his gf for 24hrs
4:30-4:55 arrive home; help frantic wife prepare dinner while explaining multiple times to youngest son why right now is not a good time to read the last chapter in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
5:05 help wife and two boys out the door for music lessons
5:05-5:10 finish eating dinner
5:10-5:30 rush daughter to orthodontist to fix a "pokey wire" (turned out all we needed to do was rotate the little spring thingy on her appliance--love that word, "would you like an appliance in your mouth?" Discuss her science project, realizing that she hasn't followed up on what we talked about two days ago; measure out an uphill mile to walk later for science project.
5:30-5:50 clean up kitchen
5:50-6 consult with contractor remodeling our living room
6-7 work with daughter on science project--How long would it take to walk around the earth on the equator? (at first we figured about 2yrs until we realized we were not allowing the walker anytime to sleep, eat or rest--any ideas on making this look cool would be much appreciated). Try multiple times to help daughter understand that you must divide the smaller number into the larger number to convert minutes to days and days to years.
7 chase away anxiety from being so busy with a mixture of mint ice-cream, broken up symphony bar, and crushed cookies (damn, just remember I forgot the caramel sauce)
7:15 wife and I sequester ourselves in my office (now piled high with crap from living room being remodeled) which requires various threats to children, particularly youngest who wants me read the last chapter of the HP book RIGHT NOW; I get an update on her mother's failing health and we try to decide if she should go up to Rexburg for the weekend
7:40-8:00 try desperately to finish up HP but son has many questions; very enjoyable to see him so excited about reading but by damn I will watch the Office
8:00-8:30 to my son's utter disbelief that we still haven't finished HP, I laugh ass off watching The Office--not sure if it was an amazing episode or if I just needed a release. Listening to Michael's convoluted explanation to the district manager in NY about what he does right, sends me over the edge.
8:07, 8:18, and 8:29: read a bit of HP to son during the commercial
8:30 deal with freaked out son who can't believe we are also going to watch 30 Rock
8:30-9 watch 30 Rock, finish HP during the commercials--we did it! HP out loud in about two months.
9-9:20 get youngest into bed, start....HP and the prisoner of Azkaban
9:20-27 clean up kitch again
9:27-9:40 check email since I left early from work, while scrapping tongue raw newly discovered surface, then fiddle with two teeth that are hella sensitive since retainer removal
9:45-9:55 think about reading French theory book but instead finish Irving Stone's Lust for life for bk club on Friday--godalmighty Van Gogh had it tough
9:55-10:05 blank out for a bit thinking about Van Gogh's depression, his inability to live a mediocre "happy" life, his legacy of great art; wonder about my own ability to stay sane for the next 30 yrs.
10:05 hear Seinfeld re-run from other room--talk to wife while she is painting in living room while realizing I have not seen this very early Seinfeld.
10:15-10:30 sit down and watch rest of Seinfeld with wife; realize I have seen some of the scenes in the last half: Russian cable guys, pregnant bitchy woman who knows the Kennedy's and George's chocolate cake shirt; on the commercials we revisit her mother's health and trip to Rexburg and I help oldest son with spanish homework
10:35 take cats out in the garage and lock up; consider reading for a bit but realize I'm exhausted
10:45 in bed
11 amazingly I actualy fall asleep without getting up to read