Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Will be brief as contents of post will explain: must stop blog-fucking around as the beginning of all things forgotten, put-on-hold, and procrastinated start Friday. Now must stop editing previous sentence. Stop . . . now! like right now! Ok, now! Shit almighty.


Lisa B. said...

I hope that we--and by "we" I mean "I"--will continue to get tiny little updates from your brain, even though you're working devoutly. Think of us! (and by "us" I mean "me.")

lis said...

oh, those other things can wait.

Dr Write said...

I have spent most of my life (meaning, today) avoiding the things that must be done.
Now I'm going to go to a movie and not run. Or create syllabi or do any other such thing.
I am going to avoid, avoid, avoid.
And with that, I'll see you Friday.