Thursday, December 04, 2008

When cleaning becomes a titillating temptation

Funny how the things I never have time for (listening to music, blogging, writing emails to colleagues, cleaning) I immediately start doing as soon as wheelbarrow of papers comes in at the end of the semester.

Hell, I got time for anything right now--call me! I'll pick you up. I'd drive you to Vegas and I hate Vegas. I'd shovel snow if there were snow. I'd even do one of my wife's projects. Shucks, I'd help you clean out your attic. Even cleaning my office is a titillating temptation.

Ok...temptation indulged: must read three papers and then I will allow myself to caressingly filter through the piles crap on my office floor.


HH said...


MY dear man... You need to get laid. Get right on that.

HH =)

Lisa B. said...

Hilarious. I totally get this. I'm pretty sure that I cannot even START to make one single video essay until I have organized everything in my whole house. It's just impossible.

Dr Write said...

I'm with you. I can't see dust until it's time to start grading. Speaking which...

Counterintuitive said...

HH I'm not quite following your sophisticated psychological interpretation here, papers to sex, but I like it.

shane said...

What's your number again? We've got snow to shovel AND an attic that needs cleaning. I'll take you up on the Vegas trip, too, actually. That way I can avoid my own paper-grading Marathon which starts next Wed.