Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Friggin word of the day

I've been trying to remember a particular word this last week, one that can come to me naturally in conversation or writing but one that I can't call up on demand: "I'd like to use that one word, the one that means 'earthy,' connected to the primitive." But it just won't come. I've even put up a little reminder in my home office--still couldn't remember that damn word this morning while laying in bed. Sometimes I think my brain is defective. Often I think of the word "ephemeral" instead of this word. This may be because I had the same issues with emphemeral for quite some time--just couldn't call up the word when I wanted to. Strange since "ephemeral" is, in some ways, the opposite of visceral though not really.

Well, the word is....visceral.


Lisa B. said...

I'm finding, lately, a little (sometimes a big) lag time between the word I want and being able to retrieve it. When I was defending my master's thesis, apparently, I said at one point, "My brain is sending rumors to my mouth." Well, that, plus lag time, is how it often works for me these days.

shane said...

I thought it was going to be feral.

Anonymous said...

the word is "julecrete" dum dum....