Saturday, September 23, 2006

Playing Skip-Bo

Our 5-year old son has a fascination with card games, first the classic Uno and now Skip-Bo. Playing with him is an odd experience:

"I discarded already!" (every time out of his mouth it surprises--just not in the register of 5-year old speech)

"One, two, free..." he says as he clears his hand, allowing him to draw five new cards

"Play from your pile first" he says to his older sister who either isn't as astute on Skip-Bo tactics or just doesn't really care

The other night I stayed home from a concert (rest of family went to concert and called home to let us listen over the cell phone) with the 5-year old ostensibly to get some work done: instead I played two rounds of Skip-Bo and one of Uno. How can one refuse the pleading face of 5-year old?


Dr. Write said...

Son too is obsessed with Uno. Middlebrow played an epic 12 hands with him the other day. I'm not so patient. Looks like it's time to get Skip-bo.

Counterintuitive said...

Skip-bo is much more fun as it has some strategy and allows for more "practical" skill accumulation--counting, remember to play from pile rather than hand or discards, figuring out if you can "make it" to your pile.