Friday, March 28, 2008

Better than sex frivolity

I've been home all day, not getting much of anything done because I'm sick--the first time in at least two years. Not painful sick but sick and tired enough not to work. Thank goodness for March Madness. I'm sittin pretty with the Stanford (love those 7 ft Lopez twins) and Texas on the tv and Davidson (Curry is absolutely amazing) and Wisconsin on the laptop. To top it off I blog or read a couple of pages of Kindred by Octavia Butler when both games are on timeout. Sometimes I love all things frivolous--sports, recliners, technology, and sport star worship. And then being just sick enough to beg off of any work and engage it all.


Lisa B. said...

Being sick enough to stay home but not sick enough to be ultra miserable is a great luxury from time to time. But better than sex? Hmm. Must ponder.

Dr Write said...

Yes. It is key to be sick, but not so cick that one cannot view important pop culture events, blog, or have sex. I think sick sex is the best sex. Anyone want to fight me on that one?
(I actually think it's a toss up between sleep sex, when you're kind of asleep and your partner wakes you up, and sick sex, when you are in a NiQuil daze and you have sex, but, judge for yourself!)

Counterintuitive said...

Surprising and not so surprising that the two comments are from females and both focus on sex which was merely a setup in my post to talk about how great it is to watch the NCAA. It's not that merely being sorta sick is better than sex but being sorta sick WHILE watching the NCAA tournament.