Saturday, March 22, 2008

What I learned while my wife was gone for four days

  1. I don’t mind if the bed stays unmade for days on end
  2. Seven year old son’s fingers get gross if not clipped
  3. Someone signs buttloads of forms for school each day
  4. Getting three kids ready for school by myself on time three days in a row is an amazingly difficult task
  5. I sleep like crap without my wife
  6. After getting kids off to school, dealing with homework, and making/serving dinner, I too am ready for the kids to be in bed at 8:30pm
  7. Single parenthood must be exhausting
  8. My wife and I spend a lot of time talking about the kids, our day, etc.
  9. I can get a lot more reading done when wife is not here (see #8)
  10. Even if I was getting more reading done, I’m very glad my wife is back—I missed her
Note on #1: I "straightened" the bed on the day my wife returned; even though the unmade bed still wasn't bothering me, I'm not stupid.


Lisa B. said...

1. 8:30 is an excellent bedtime. My bedtime was 8:00 p.m. until after 6th grade! I thought I was in heaven when my parents agreed I could stay up till 8:30 if I stayed in my room and read quietly. I was the oldest child, however--there was an inevitable decline in parental control as time went on.

2. When I am off work, I make the bed every day, because it gives me the illusion that I am on top of things and in charge. Otherwise? giant heap o' covers.

3. hate sleeping without my beloved.

lis said...

I never make the bed--and I mean never. And I am quite happy about it. I have also read that an unmade bed is a healthy bed (less warm and cozy, so less attractive to bed bugs and such) so there. This is the beauty of the duvet.

HH said...

We have the same sad dependency. I, too, am frazzled without the wife around. She has a two-day symposium next week. I better stock up on Nyquil.

HH =)

craniac said...

Hahaha! My wife went on a trip recently and I had the same experience. Amazing how messy the house can get in a few days.