Thursday, March 15, 2007

Spring break

I had thought I'd take a blogger break over my spring break, but as I'm watching the first real potential upset of this 2007 NCAA tournament (VCU an 11 seed up 2 over Duke a 6 seed, not to mention they are Duke, with 1:08 left), I got reading Mega's blog where she already has two lists of spring break accomplishments. So, now, I feel compelled to list, a deep seated need to measure out what I've been up to with my time off. But first I much pay attention to the last minute of the Duke game.

...50 seconds left and Duke and VCU tied
...16 seconds Duke down by 2
...10 seconds Duke ties it with a lay-up
...1.8 seconds Duke down two with a VCU 15 footer

whoa, that was some minute of basketball. A timeout. Not sure they will get anything off--no Christian Laetner on this Duke team.'s over with a respectable attempt--the first upset

Spring Break 2007 List (or my way of staving off vacation blues)
  • Completed one physical therapy appointment: ASTYM i.e. the scraping of another's leg meat with cocoa butter and hard plastic tools which is not helping my bursitis
  • Filled out NCAA Tournament bracket with family, a more difficult concept to explain to young children than one might expect
  • Finished Atonement by Ian McEwan--a good novel but a bit too self-referential and crafty for my tastes (Book club discussion tomorrow!)
  • Read much of Wysocki's Writing New Media: I'm going to remember her contention that writing teachers need strategies for “generous reading[s]" of student texts in order to “approach different-looking texts with the assumption not that mistakes were made but that choices were made and are being tried out and on.”
  • Completed 2007 taxes, a spring break tradition--$1000 bucks coming our way and real soon thanks to TurboTax
  • Watched parts of most NCAA open round Tournament games
  • Three bike rides and 40 pages of Indian and the Cupboard with 5-year old son
  • Two 25 mile bike rides--much stretching and some pain but at least I'm out and about
  • Several on-going productive relationship talks with wife
  • Bid through on a hotel room for a SF family vacation in May; my $50 a night bid didn't get accepted, but I now have a strategy
  • Ate lunch at Sill's (the only real restaurant in Layton) with a good friend and past student from Mt High school
  • Read NO student work
  • Best of all: filed and cleaned up in my office for several hrs
  • Will see Breach tonight at the theatre, a rare non-Netflix film for me


Lisa B. said...

Sounds like a great break to me. I wish I loved NCAA b-ball, but I just don't. There will come a time, I'm sure.

My big spring break tradition is to catch up on reading student work. Generously or not.

HH said...

It always feels nice to finish the taxes. Good for you!

YOur sister is moving into her new place thie morning. A lovely home! Good for her. Candace deserves as much happiness that her heart can hold.

Your list kicks my lists butt. I fertilized the lawn, planted two bushes, Reading "hecht", and catching up on my blog reading. I am typing outside right now. The weather is PERFECT!

Warmest Wishes,

Travis (HH)

Counterintuitive said...

You are reading Hecht as in my doubting angel Hecht? The Doubt: A history? If so, I sure liked it.

Your list includes actual physical labor.

Dr. Write said...

I did no physical labor. but I'm lovin the tournament. And I saw one movie at the theater. Fun!
That's all.