Sunday, January 29, 2006

Going NUTS

I ran the N.U.T.S. 5k (and it was nuts to be out there in the 24 degree icy weather) which stands for Northern Utah Training Series—a big series (5k, 10k, 15k, and ½ marathon) used as training for a marathon. I’m only running the 5k. Still, while there I did the following:

*Ran into two people from the past both of whom did not recognize me nor know my name. I forgive the first, a woman I ran with in high school, but not the second, a woman from our past neighborhood whom I’ve run into a ½ a dozen times in the last 5 years. It seems I’m very forgettable.

*Ran what seemed like an eternity first mile for a 5k—all steep uphill, slick with snow, and cold as hell—in 6:45

*Ingested 5 ½ donut chunks, 4 ½ bagel pieces, 2 glasses of Gatorade, and 8 orange slices (i.e. enough to make-up for any calories lost during the race which was my only real goal)

*Completed the 5k in one of my slowest 5k times on record, 19:40, right behind the overall female winner: Results

*Ran without stressing about competing—a glimpse of my future non-competitive running life? I hope so.


Anonymous said...


Well done sir. HOw are your knees feeling? Angie's are starting to cause her trouble. I admire your drive to stay so fit and comptetative. I can compete at "sitting",at the cellular level I can kick some butt. Yet, at the level at which muscles ought to twitch I am fairly certain that a coronary would follow any heavy breathing on my part. Best Wishes,

middlebrow said...

Your slowest time probably beats the best time I could run right now.

lis said...

I need to run a 5k one of these days (but I think I'll wait until it gets a little warmer). I'm a running wimp lately and I hate it.

Lisa B. said...

I have delayed commenting here because your blog about running has emphasized my feelings of sluggishness. Damn you. and good for you, also.