Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Two bits for magpie heads

I love birds but I'm speedily going back to my childhood hatred of magpies. For whatever reason it seems our cul de sac has been invaded by these loud, ugly birds. I understand they are smart; I understand they are one of God's creature, but good hell could they shut up? And talk about agressiveness--I've seen them taking on our cats on several occasions. Magpies 3, Cats 0.

I find myself pining for the good ole days my dad has often described to me when the farmers would pay them two bits (that's a quarter for you unschooled in rural money talk) for every magpie shot.

Just for today, let me forget all that environmental, nature loving rhetoric--give me a gun and bless me with good aim.


Clint Gardner said...

Aww--I like magpies. Wow people sure do develop a hate on them. Is it just their noisiness?

middlebrow said...

I can leave our dog Gus at your house for the weekend. He just got another bird yesterday. That makes about 6 birds for the summer.

Maybe I should rent out his services.

Lisa B. said...

They are definitely noisy . . . but I've never quite felt murderous about them. We have quite a few in and around our backyard. They are noisiest when they have fledglings, a fact that fills me with dread, since I hate finding infant bird corpses here and there and in my cat's mouth. But that's nature for ya.

Antistrophe said...

This is Brittany commenting.

Magpies are indeed annoying.

I just started my own blog. Check it out

lis said...

I love magpies. I can understand your hate for them, but I find them beautiful. Because of the general hatred for them, I sometimes feel guilty for liking them, like I love rats.

Counterintuitive said...

So the basic consensus (except for Antistrophe and MB) is that NO you can't allow me just one day in which I can forget the environmental rhetoric and hate magpies. I just needed a day, folks--so serious you are. Today I love magpies, well at least I don't hate them nor have a desire to shoot them (which I never would have done, maybe just a rock or two :)

HH said...

Boy, I hate to agree with a postmodernist, but magpies need to die. They are poor scavengers, ugly, noisy (as stated), and frankly ugly. At least a crow is aesthetically pleasant.

So.. grab your pea shooter and have at 'em with my blessing.

BTW... heard about your trailer-driving skills. Snicker ;)

HH =)

Anonymous said...

Just shoot the damn cats and the magpies will go away. Every time I've heard the magpies, they're dive bombing or otherwise harassing your cats. You know I'd lend you my gun if I still had one. . .

Anonymous said...

Don't shoot the magpies, Ron. They have that beautiful bluish coloring and they have great assertiveness skills, no need to do assertive-training with them. Perhaps we humans could observe magpies rather than pay $100/hour to develop these skills--especially women. Love, Mom

lis said...

you can have your day, ron. they are noisy, but aren't they beautiful? far more aesthetically pleasant than crows HH-with their white and blue coloring and their long tail feathers. really, they are beautiful.

Counterintuitive said...

Check out the retort to my magpie hatred by Theoris if you haven't already:

Who would a thunk a quickie, spur of the moment post on what I thought was nothing much would create so much discussion. gotta love that about blogging.

Clint Gardner said...

Let the Pica wars commence!

Actually I am pleased that the magpie is one of the few native species that has flourished in our modern times. Birds seem nearly as tenacious as insects in that respect. Must be their dinosaur heritage.

shane said...

permission granted! lol!